How To Be Happy?
This is a really tough one. So, we are giving you some tips on how to achieve ultimate happiness with some small changes to your lifestyle.
10 free tips to enhance your life with these small changes daily to earn more happiness
It's Mid-August now and summer is almost over. Check out our free tips on how to be happy? In yoga, we as yogis and yoginis are often seen as the hedonists in the society. Life itself should feel good and perfect for most of the time. After all, life is so amazingly short and fleeting. If something doesn't feel good or right, always investigate on it and begin to find solutions onto how to bring more happiness into your life. It could be that you are facing a dead-end job or a bad relationship. Is it time to let it go or fix it? Your happiness is key here. You are responsible for your own life and so take action today and make yourself your priority today. It's crucial to stay happy and not let the bad things in life affect/ steal your happiness.
Tip 1: Go volunteering
The truth is that there are many people who are less fortunate than you are in this world. When you go volunteering, you will feel less sorry for the possible setbacks you may be experiencing. Whether you are volunteering at your nearby school as a reading mom, or giving a free yoga class for the prisoners at prisons, or just volunteering for your local SPCA pet adoption/ donation charity, you usually will feel happier after volunteering your time when you realize that others been helped by you. It's never really as bad as it may seem when you still have a roof above your head.
Tip 2: Go for a walk
Just walking for 30-35 minutes a day can improve your overall well being and committing to moderate exercise can increase the oxygen level in your body and lower your blood pressure. Get moving and keep your body functioning and maintain yourself in great shape.
Tip 3: Journal and write down your goals and express emotions
It's vital to keep a wellness journal to check in with yourself and write down your goals and the challenges you may be facing. Check in with your soul from time to time and you will discover more about yourself and keep your dreams in check. Sometimes, keeping a personal journal can help relieve some stress and help with your self-healing process whether you are going through a horrible divorce, breakup, or job-loss, medical condition or family crisis situation. Always been proactive and be a problem solver and you will sure feel much better soon as time goes on.
Tip 4: Eat lots of fruits and veggies
Eat clean and wholesome food. Try not to put any food into your mouth if it's not grown from the soil or derived directly from an animal food source. Avoid excess sugar or artificial sweeteners from your soda drinks/ chocolate snack bars/ chewing gums. Sometime you really can become what you eat. Be careful of the kind of food you are putting into your body. Stay away from fast food and red meat/ processed meat. Stay away from food that will damage your body/ internal organs. Your body is a very delicate machine that needs the cleanest fuel to fuel you so you can run your body for a long period of time.
Tip 5: Catch up with some good friends
Sometimes, catching up with a couple of good high school friends or colleagues can be very good for your mental health. Cherish your real friends who will be there through all the highs and lows in life. Be kind to one and another and you will never know when you will need to ask them for help during hard times. You may even be able to find workout buddies together on your next meetup.
Tip 6: Practice gratitude and meditate
There are many studies that show that meditation is very good for calming your mind. We can't stress how important it is to turn on some good meditation music for at least 10 mins. minimum a day and just lay down in a comfortable position and not stress about things and let all the bad things go. When your mind is healthy, your body will be healthy. When your mind is unhealthy, your body will suffer in many different ways.
Tip 7: Get to a yoga class
Anyone who has a healthy, functioning body can possibly do yoga really well. Yoga is for anyone who is interested in enhancing their mind, body, and soul. Sometimes, taking a yin class can be very beneficial for your body. It's always nice to stop at the edge where it's the boundary before it gets uncomfortable and just hold it there for a couple of minutes. Don't forget to spread the good vibes after a relaxing yoga class. See our fitness apparel here and enjoy a relaxing hot yoga/ pilates/ spin class today. BUY NOW
Tip 8: Go to bed early
Yes go to bed early and try to wake up early in the morning. Try not to play with your phones/ use your laptop for too long as the blue lights can keep you up at night time. You can try to meditate before you sleep and put on some lavender massage oil on your feet and hands and get in the relax snooze mood. You need at least 8-10 hours of beauty sleep if you don't find those fine lines and wrinkles later on in life.
Tip 9: Exercise in the morning
Always try to exercise in the morning as there are plenty of interesting studies that show that people who complete workouts in early mornings tend to lose more calories than those who workout at night. You can get more reward and yield more results when you exercise in the morning at your best in the morning. Your body is at the best state after you wake up and recharged at night, so seize that time and workout your sexy body in the morning. Stay happy and live a long healthy life.
Tip 10: Try to squeeze out a smile at a stranger
However bad your situation is, it shall improve once you take care of your circumstances with a positive attitude. You need to stay positive and keep smiling no matter what, it's a sign of great confidence. There are researches that show that when you try to squeeze out a smile to a stranger even when you didn't want to, you may slightly feel better as a result. A positive mind can lead to positive things and a negative mind will lead to negative things. You are welcome to choose to bring more happiness and fortune into your life when you smile.
Final Conclusion:
Whenever you are feeling blue, anxious or simply depressed, notice that there's always a solution to every single problem as long as you don't give up. Try journaling or talk to a therapist or a healthcare professional, or your friends and family. Where there is a will, there is a way. You are the only one who can save yourself.
It's okay to be sad for a while and take your time to grief and mourn but you eventually need to move on. Don't drown yourself in your sadness and dismay. Only you can drag yourself out from the mess and you are in charge of your own happiness. Believe that you have control over your life and you are responsible for your life.
Life is too short to stay unhappy. Life can be really difficult and hard to deal with at times. But every challenge you encounter is supposed to make you stronger. Always exercise your best judgement, work hard, and think good thoughts and believe in the abundance in life, so your good fortune and prosperity will manifest at various levels in your life.
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General Disclaimer: We highly encourage you to speak with your health care professionals about your specific medical conditions and treatments. The information contained in this website is only meant to be informative and educational, but is not a substitute for professional medical advice.
We hope that you find all these tips to be helpful and these tips will help you live the fullest and happiest version of your life this summer. Don't forget to comment down below and let us know what your night time routine is like this summer?
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Legal Disclaimer: We highly encourage you to speak with your health care professionals about your specific medical conditions and treatments. The information contained and provided in this website is only meant to be informative and educational, but is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Our content is for informational purposes only, even if and to the extent that it features the advice of physicians and medical practitioners. We do not diagnose, treat, or prevent any form of medical conditions. The content on our website is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.
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