Introducing Peanut Meow Cat - A poor girl stray cat from the streets of Florida
Please help us save and rescue Peanut from the streets
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Our story of rescuing a stray cat. A lot of times, it's fate that brought us together. We won't looking for a cat to adopt, but the stray cat, Peanut, came to us for help. Most stray cats live pretty rough lives, they are natural hunters and are feral cats. The weather in Florida is pretty unstable and can put them at great risk in times of hurricane and flood. Stray cats can get run over by cars/ trucks easily as they are crossing the roads. Florida is where reptiles and wildlife such as snakes, alligators, and lizards tend to thrive. Florida is highly unstable and the weather is hot and humid and often very unpredictable so these street cats are endangered. Stray cats like to catch lizards, birds and other small animals to survive in the wild. Sometimes, stray cats like to dig people's trash cans in the suburbs in search for food. Most stray cats do not live over 2 years if they live outdoors based on many statistics. Peanut was meowing really desperately and loudly at us the first time we found her as she was starving. To Peanut, we are everything to her and we can even determine her chances for survival as a stray cat as humans. If we don't feed her, she could possibly die from starvation and hunger. We have a great heart when it comes to animals that need help so we decided to dedicate this blog to this stray cat, Peanut. We are very honored to have met and be chosen by Peanut as her guardian.
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Check out our peanut meow cat collections and support stray cat peanut of Florida:
We gave this stray cat the name "Peanut" because her fur shapes like a peanut from the top down. She's very cute and is very gentle, shy, and smart. Peanut does not trust very easily at first and is very shy from the cameras. She's most like herself when the camera is not there to film her. Peanut is very loyal to her owner and is a calico cat. She always comes back every day and meow at us for kitty food and we would always give her fresh wet food for her. At first, she was reluctant to be patted as she doesn't trust easily. We were wondering if she's a feral cat but we found that she's actually more like a domesticated stray cat that can be tamed. A week later, she even flipped over and allow us to pet her belly after trust was established between Peanut and us. Peanut sometimes has temper and would walk away at times but she always comes back to let us pat her afterwards.
We did a lot of research about calico/ tri-color cats and found that she's a "money/ lucky" cat when a calico cat approaches an owner in both the Eastern and Western worlds. It's a kind of "manaki neko" in Japan where a lot of businesses like to put these money cats to attract prosperity and fortune into their stores. We also like to hope that this Peanut meow cat can bring good fortune and luck into your lives as well. So, go ahead and purchase these cute peanut meow cats merch products and help us support the survival and health of this poor stray cat.
Our Goal for Peanut meow cat
We are hoping to gather up US$ 3,000 for Peanut's vet bills, shelter, food, toys, medications, health insurance to get all the shots she desperately needs. We did some research onto what a stray cat would need from this link here. (Source:
Professional Disclaimer:
Our Site cannot and does not contain any veterinary, legal, medical, tax, financial, health, or any other professional advice. Therefore, all of the information provided in our Site is for general informational and educational purposes ONLY. You should not take any information on our Site as a substitute for professional advice. Before taking action based on any such information, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals. If you have concerns about your cats’ health, please consult your veterinarian.
See full disclaimer here.
The cost of owning a cat can really add up very quickly so we are trying our best to help save this poor cat.
And we like to summarize below on what we learned onto how to care for a stray cat:
- Wet Canned food, extra cat wet food in winter season
- Feeding station
- Pet cat heating pad to stay warm
Don't forget to buy these pet cat heating pads for your lovely cats this winter.
- A clean water source
These days you can buy some cute cat water dispensers so your cats can easily have accessible to water when they are dehydrated after their kitty play time.
- Fun cat toys to keep the cat active and engaged
See our favorite cat toy collection below.
- A deep and wide pet bowl to feed her
Check out the following bestselling pet bowls for cats.
- Veterinarian Visits: Spaying, vaccinating, and neutering as stray cats can have rabies, mites, and fleas
- Health insurance as vet bills can add up and we do not know about a stray cat's health history
- Cat nips for cats to get excited and happy.
- Cat's nail clippers.
- Get the best cat training books to read on how to properly care for cats as good and responsible cat owners.
What you can get in return as our valued customer?
- Be able to do something charitable for some possible good karma after supporting this stray cat to find new meaning, continue to survive and live a longer and healthier life
- Enjoy cute Peanut Meow Cat fun merch products after you purchase Peanut's merchandise and be ready to receive lots of complements
- Be able to possibly help rescue Peanut and allow this stray cat to enjoy a more meaningful and healthier life
- Continue to enjoy Peanut's cute cat videos on YouTube and be entertained as we create them
SHOP HERE and save Peanut the stray cat in Florida:
Check out this cute female stray cat from Florida.
Around a week ago, we decided to feed a stray cat and a thin and frail looking tri-color calico stray cat approached us. Many say that cats find and choose their own owners instead of the other way around. Peanut decided to choose us to care for her as we make her feel safe and pampered. She's now sleeping under a truck daily even though we made a paper box den for her. We decided to continue to give this stray cat food and shelter outdoors as we are allergic to cats. On the next day, the same stray cat started to meow at us outside our window and seems like she wants more food. Cats are routine animals and like to be continually fed at around the same time daily. Calico cats especially are particularly loyal cats that once they recognize you as their owner, the calico cats will laterally forever be loyal to you.
Check out Peanut Meow Cat's social media here.
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Cat socks Made in USA are officially for sale now !! @heidikimurart under “cat prints”section. Hi my name is peanut and I am a hungry stray cat who likes to meow for food. I’m a stray cat who’s collaborating with @heidikimurart and am creating some cat products for you to purchase.
❤️…/cute-pink-leopard-print-peanut-… ❤️
I’m a stray girl kitten who loves to meow for delicious cat food in Florida. I need more cat food and I’m always hungry. @peanutmeowcat Please subscribe to my YouTube channel so I can earn more money for delicious cat food.
Enjoy seeing more Peanut Meow Cat's photos here:
This is how Peanut looks like when she wakes up in the morning and meows at us for food.
Peanut is very shy and the way that she stands shows us she may be once a domesticated cat maybe abandoned by her owner. She's very gentle and kind.
Peanut loves nature and is an outdoor stray cat. She's not very good at hunting prey and often need other cats for help in search of food. So, when she approached us, she was meowing very desperately for food as she was in very bad shape and on the verge of starvation.
A week after she had our care, Peanut is looking extra happy and gentle on the porch.
Peanut's eyes do not look very good and she needs to see a vet to double check we feel.
This is how peanut looks like after a week of fancy feasting from us. Her belly and face is getting fuller and she looks like in much better shape than before.
Peanut is extra sweet and gentle. She's very loyal and loves to play with us daily.
Peanut likes to responds to us whenever we call her name "Peanut". We feel she may be able to understand humans to a certain extent.
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Last but not least, be sure to check out all Peanut's merch products here.
Hot Pink Calico Cat Peanut Meow Print Plus Size Women's Yoga Leggings- Made in USA/EU
Black Calico Peanut Meow Cat Print Women's Plus Size Yoga Pants Leggings- Made in USA/EU
White Peanut Meow Calico Cat Print Plus Size Women's Yoga Leggings- Made in USA/EU
See all plus size cat print clothing here:
Black Peanut Meow Calico Cat Print Premium Men's Leggings Rave Tights-Made in USA/EU
Dark Blue Peanut Meow Calico Cat Print Premium Men's Leggings Tights- Made in USA/EU

White Peanut Meow Calico Cat Print Premium Men's Leggings Tights-Made in USA/EU
Hot Pink Cat Calico Peanut Meow Cat Print Men's Leggings Cats Tights - Made in USA/EU
These are very hard to find cute tasteful cat print men's leggings that are must have for all the cat dads, male cat owners out there.
Shop all cat print men's leggings/ men's compression tights here:
Next comes our cute cat bath mats collections
Blue Purple Camo Print Peanut Meow Calico Cat Premium Soft Microfiber Bath Mat- Printed in USA
Hot Red Peanut Meow Calico Cat Premium Soft Microfiber Fine Bath Mat- Printed in USA
Shop for all cat print bath mats here:
Looking for cat print wall clocks to keep track of your cat's feeding schedule?
Get these cute cat print wall clocks now!
Lime Green Peanut Meow Cat Cute Calico Cat Large Unique 10" Dia. Wall Clocks- Made in USA
Gray Peanut Meow Cat Cute Calico Cat Large Unique 10" Diameter Wall Clocks- Made in USA
White Peanut Meow Cat Cute Calico Cat Large Unique 10" Dia. Wall Clocks- Made in USA
See all the cat print wall clocks here.
Green Leopard Print Peanut Meow Cute Calico Cat Print One-Size Knit Socks- Made in USA
Blue Purple Camo Print Peanut Meow Calico Cat Premium Soft Microfiber Bath Mat- Printed in USA
Hot Red Peanut Meow Calico Cat Premium Soft Microfiber Fine Bath Mat- Printed in USA
Lime Green Peanut Meow Cat Cute Calico Cat Large Unique 10" Dia. Wall Clocks- Made in USA
White Peanut Meow Cat Cute Calico Cat Large Unique 10" Dia. Wall Clocks- Made in USA
Green Camo Print Peanut Meow Cute Calico Cat Print One-Size Knit Socks- Made in USA
Red Leopard Animal Print Peanut Meow Cute Calico Cat Print One-Size Knit Socks- Made in USA
Get a couple of these cute calico CAT SOCKS HERE:
Are you a stay home cat dad who loves to play with your house cats all day and night? If so, please check out the following cat print men's underwear that are perfect fro you.
As for those who are cat or pet owners or lovers the following cat print men's boxers/ briefs are a must have this season. We got tons of different color options for you to choose from. These cat portraits were based on Peanut Meow Cat. Check out our blog post to learn about the stray cat's cat rescue story here. A lot of the proceeds will go into saving this poor girl stray cat when you purchase these cat print men's underwear. Help save a stray cat today and get a couple of these cat print men's underwear for a good cause today!
Green Cat Print Men's Underwear, Cute Cat Boxer Briefs For Men (US Size: XS-3XL)
Gray Cat Print Men's Underwear, Cute Cat Boxer Briefs For Men (US Size: XS-3XL)
Black Cat Print Men's Underwear, Cute Cat Print Boxer Briefs For Men (US Size: XS-3XL)
Red Cat Print Men's Underwear, Cute Cat Boxer Briefs For Men (US Size: XS-3XL)
White Cat Print Men's Underwear, Cute Cat Boxer Briefs For Men (US Size: XS-3XL)
Pink Cat Print Men's Underwear, Cute Calico Cat Boxer Briefs For Men (US Size: XS-3XL)
Buy these cat print men's undies today and stay home and play with your cats all day in the house today!
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Get your cats indoor and outdoor functional and cute cat dens. Cat dens will help your cats to stay happy and engaged whether they are indoors or outdoors.
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See All Peanut Meow Cat's Products here
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